Monday, May 31, 2010


i would like to thank 2 people that watch out for me no matter how silent i am or when i disappear.
one person that has been there for a long time and one who is quite new.

thanks with all my heart and my screwed up mind xxx

clear in a cloudy world...or is it cloudy in a clear world???

wierd times are afoot,
i dont know what is going on. everything is so confusing but clear at the same time. as ive talked before, i  seem to be at a crossroad. but things are getting very confusing.
i hate it when everything is calm but i seem to be calm and and confused at the moment.

ive been fighting with myslef all weekend, ive had taks to do that would normally be very easy but i have had serious trouble getting the mindset to start.
depression is so much easier when you do know if you are or not.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

to infinity and beyond....or is it just harley time?

well folks.....this is unusual. yes im on and typing more than once in a blue moon.

cut to the in a bit of a dilema. i feel that i have got to a cross roads in my life and its causing me lots of worry and distracting thought.
career wise i feel im at a cross roads and i dont know which way to the moment it seems be that the cross roads has got an infintie number of turns / choices from it and im just stood here looking at them all. what do it do????
i dont know if i want to carry on doing what i have done for many years now, i have decided on some possiblities for the roads out but there are so many there unmarked that i dont know the reason why they are there at the moment.

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