Monday, July 16, 2018


After several weeks of building up to it, I finally did my first ever cycling century in almost 30 degree heat.
By doing it I have learnt a couple of things and compounded a couple of others..
Let's start with the compounded items.... Firstly 'slower is faster'!!! After going out a bit fast in places I really felt it in the 40-50 mile marks, but after some lunch I pulled it back together.
Secondly.... No matter what people tell you mountain bike are more comfortable than road bikes over long distances.

So onto what learnt....
1. I can do it, I did a century in 6 hours in the saddle, 7 hours total.
2. If I can do 100 miles in 7 hours I can sure as hell do 220miles + in 24hours with the correct fuelling and rest strategy.
3. If I can do it so can you 😁

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