Sunday, June 7, 2009

playing with fire whilst comeing out

whats to be said other than my head is threatening to explode but i need to do this.

as part of my role i have taken on the job of company trainer and one of the subjects for me to train is Protection / Abuse. I looked at my notes for a previous course a couple of weeks ago and decided that i couldnt do the course in the prescribed way so set about changing it. i run the courses on 3 saturdays and sundays per month and after doing course 1 & 2 last week i wasnt completely happy with the outcome so yesterday i decided to based the course around disclosure.
so......... yesterday i came out to the group (in a victim way not the gay way) this prompted some intense discussion (more than i had ever dreamed of) and led to many other disclosures too. it worked well on many levels and not just training but did take quite a toll emotionally on me.
I ran the same format today with similar effect, the only downside was a smaller group.

the main point of this is nothing for me but a thankyou to others, to the ones for talking, listening and being. we are all great people that do great things.