millie pulled a pistol on santa
Today i have been working at home (yes im sad enough to work saturdays, but as i loose so much time during the week through concentration problems i spread my week over the 7 days now. Plus my wife utilises my funny periods as her personal web researcher). While i work i like to have music playing, one of the great things about PC based mp3 players is the great random function.
ok back to the musings, while i was working a great aerosmith track came on, "janey's got a gun" this got me thinking (unfortunately for me i can think about many things at once, i like music as it allows one of my other trains of thought to be taken up with something easy), for those that dont know the track, its about a girl that is abused by her father and the revenge that she exacts on him. the song is much like "millie pulled a pistol on santa" by DeLa Soul.
What these songs got me thinking about wasn't revenge on the man, i have had several friends that offered to do that in the past & have turned them all down as it just isn't me. the songs got me thinking about someone that i used to work with and how we used to talk about things.
I have to get one thing clear, I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD, im not aethiest, agnostic or any of the others. After my rape i came to the decision that there cant be a god if he/she/it allows things like that to happen to innocents. For the nosey ones of you "yes i was a virgin, and remained one for quite a while after my experience".
Back to the point of this blog, this gent that i worked with was a very intelligent man, a devout muslim (which i have to praise him for the strength of his belief). For those that dont know, muslims believe that god gives them their lot and they should be happy and praise him for that, much like all other religions. so when i told him about what had happened to me and his response was a simple "that is gods wish, be happy with that" it got me thinking about how small minded and brainwashed people can be.
My point is that if this man's wife was killed at the hands of a drunk driver, would he be so flippant with his gods wish comments, or would he calmly accept that reasoning from another.
I don't like to talk religion or politics as we all can have quite strong views, all of which can be valid. But for any person to so blindly follow unsound doctrines cannot be good for anyone. Im sure someone from the religious right or left would quite happily imprison janey or millie for killing their abusive fathers and never bat an eyelid if someone said an eye for an eye.
I dont condone violence, i would be happy if the world turned to meat eating bhudists and were just nice to each other. but if your a janey or a millie consider your actions as not everyone that percieves themselves as good would see the correctness in your actions.
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