Thursday, September 6, 2007

been a few days

Well im back, ive left it a few days and now its time to talk again. The last 3 days have been a mix of most things, on Sunday i was quite depressed and ready to just walk away from everything, work and family things got a bit much. Later on monday i told my wife that she was the reason that i had a problem. It made me feel better, it is amazing what being honest to yourself and others can do. you do feel liberated.
Tuesday i was more or less back into my stride, the day just floated by except for a cold that has reared its ugly head. Even as a depressive, the one thing that gets me the most are colds. They just knock me for 6, I hate the fact that it is an artificial depressant that i have no control over, not being able to breathe and the lethargy that comes is dreadfull.
Even with a cold there have been certain pieces in the news that do make you think that you are still lucky, Helen (the cancer lady) sorry i cant remeber her full name passed away at the weekend, she had amessage for anyone that has an illness. And to me it was fight, fight, fight against any odds. It was more poinant to me as she was local to the part of the country that i was born in. I even used to indoor climb & swim at the sports centre that she used when i was a child.
The other high profile death was that of luciano pavaroti last night, as with any death it is sadening but with pavaroti's it stands to remind us that death still comes to us all no matter how rich we are. money may help prolong life through expensive treatments, but we all should still live part of our life for the now and make sure that the now is the happiest that we can be.
Yesterday (wednesday) went totally according to someone elses plan of which i seemed to have no bearing on what so ever, not to say it was bad. work ended up down the pan and then i spent the afternoon with a client, a gent that suffers depression, paranoia & mild learning difficulties amongst his ilness's, but even with that he can still make you laugh and see good sides to things. 5 hours of thumbs up's and jokes really helps.
I wish both myself and others could take many leaves from his book on life, and it would help us all out some.


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